to be added... Once a deity of unfathomable might, Zeus reluctantly sacrificed his much relished immortality in exchange for the chance to crush the sinister armies of the unholy undead. As his soul crossed into the mortal plane, his omnipotent powers withered greatly, yet not nearly enough to quell this destructive Thunder God's resolve for justice. With sheer precision, he cleanses through the enemy ranks with an impressive mastery of electrical discharge, smiting the fool hardy with formidable bolts of lightning from the heavens above. Ever vigilant in his relentless assault, the Scourge cowers in fear of incurring the fearsome wrath of the Lord of Olympia. Hurls a bolt of arcing energy that laces through many nearby enemy units. Summons a bolt of lightning from the heavens to strike a target enemy. Whenever Zeus casts a spell, he shocks all nearby enemy heroes for a percentage of their current hit points as damage. Strikes down all enemy heroes with a bolt of lightning.Lord of Olympia
Showing version: 6_60bMP/HP HP/MP regen Attack animation Casting time Base Attack time Missile speed Sight range Damage 21-29 Armor 0 Attack Range 350 Strength 19 Agility 15 Intelligence 20 INFORMATION AT A GLANCE
Arc Lightning
Level 1 - Arcs 5 times, deals 85 damage.
Level 2 - Arcs 7 times, deals 100 damage.
Level 3 - Arcs 9 times, deals 115 damage.
Level 4 - Arcs 15 times, deals 130 damage.
Cooldown: 2.5Lightning Bolt
Level 1 - Deals 100 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 175 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 275 damage.
Level 4 - Deals 350 damage.
Cooldown: 7 seconds.Static Field
Affects an area of effect of 800.
Level 1 - Shocks for 5% of current hit points.
Level 2 - Shocks for 7% of current hit points.
Level 3 - Shocks for 9% of current hit points.
Level 4 - Shocks for 11% of current hit points.Thundergod's Wrath
Level 1 - Deals 210 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 335 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 460 damage.
Cooldown: 120 seconds.
Scepter Upgradeable: Increases damage.
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